domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

O meu BOLO de PÊRA e AMÊNDOA preferido


>> 350 g plain flour
>> a pinch of salt
>> 175 g unsalted cold butter cut into cubes
>> 100 g icing sugar
>> 3 egg yolks
>> 350 g unsalted butter, softened
>> 350g caster sugar
>> 350g blanched whole almonds
>> 3 eggs
>> 6 ripe Comice pears, peeled and halved
>> For the pastry, pulse the flour, salt and butter in a food processor
>> until the mixture resembles
>> coarse breadcrumbs. Add the sugar then the egg yolks and pulse. The
>> mixture will
>> immeadiately combine and leave the sides of the bowl.
>> Remove, wrap and cling film and chill for at least an hour. Preheat
>> the oven 180º C.
>> Coarsely grate the pastry into a 30 cm loose-bottomed fluted flan tin,
>> then press it evenly on to the sides and base. Bake blind for 20 mins until very light brown.
>> Cool, and place in the pears, face down. Reduce the oven temperature to
>> 150ºC.
>> For the filling, cream the butter and sugar until the mixture is pale
>> and light. Put the almonds in a
>> food processor and chop until fine. Add the butter and sugar and blend,
>> then beat in the eggs one by one. Pour over the pears and bake for 40
>> minutes.

sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012


Ambos os alimentos QUINOA E FEIJÃO AZUKI são riquíssimos em proteínas, cálcio, fibras, ferro e vitaminas da família B. A ABÓBORA é riquíssima em vitamina A e C e pobre em calorias!


2 chávenas de feijão azuki
   2 folhas de louro

   1 pedaço de gengibre a gosto

400g de abóbora cortada em cubos

   1 c. sopa de tomilho, alecrim e cebolinho picados

   3 dentes de alho esmagados

1/2 cebola picada

1/2 chávena de quinoa mista em grãos

   3 colheres de sopa de vinho tinto seco

   Sal, pimenta e azeite q.b.
Deixe o feijão de molho durante  10 horas. Troque a água e leve a cozinhar com o louro e o gengibre durante 15 a 20 minutos. O feijão deve ficar al dente. Escorra e guarde o gengibre e um pouco da água da cozedura. Numa panela previamente aquecida, refogue a cebola e o alho no azeite. Acrescente a quinoa crua e em seguida a abóbora. Misture bem e deixe refogar por uns minutos. Pique bem pequeno o gengibre reservado e acrescente à panela junto com o feijão escorrido. Adicione as ervas picadas e misture, acrescentando o vinho logo de seguida. Adicione 2 chávenas de água onde cozinhou o feijão à panela. Tempere com sal e pimenta, misture bem, reduza o fogo e tape a panela, deixando cozinhar até a quinoa e a abóbora ficarem bem cozidas.

O meu CHEESE CAKE preferido


 pacote de bolachas digestive ou idênticas




   queijos frescos médios


    pacotes de natas frescas


    colheres de sopa de açúcar


    pacote de gelatina em pó Royal

     chavena-de-café* de água  


      * (chávena de serviço de sala)
Modo de Fazer

1. Tritura-se as bolachas e deita-se numa forma de aro e mola.

2. Junta-se a manteiga derretida e amassa-se até a bolacha estar bem misturada com a manteiga, calca-se no fundo da forma e coloca-se no frigorífico.

3. Desfazem-se com a varinha mágica os queijos frescos até ficar um creme sem grumos.

4. À parte desfaz-se na água a ferver a gelatina em pó e junta-se à mistura do queijo misturando bem.

5. Batem-se as natas com o açúcar e quando estiverem firmes envolvem-se cuidadosamente na mistura do queijo sem bater.

6.Deita-se na forma por cima da base de bolacha e vai ao frigorífico até ficar firme.

7. Na hora de servir cobre-se com frutos silvestres: mirtilios e groselhas!
NOTA: receita adpatada da receita original de Susana Palma

O meu BOLO DE CHOCOLATE preferido


200 g   chocolate preto  -  70% cacau – Lindt
200 g   açúcar  em pó
200 g   manteiga
10 g     maizena
6         ovos inteiros

Modo de fazer

 1.Levar  o chocolate com a manteiga a banho-maria.
 2.Bater as gemas com 100 g de açúcar em pó e 10 g de maizena   até ficarem brancas.
 3.Bater as claras em castelo com 100 g de açúcar em pó até fazer magia e não caírem ao virar a tigela.
 4.Envolver o preparado 1 com o preparado 2 e de seguida o preparado 3.
 5.Levar ao forno, durante 35 minutos a 180˚, em forma previamente untada com manteiga e polvilhada com farinha; o forno deve ser previamente aquecido.

Bacalhau com Mel e Amêndoas

O primeiro prato servido no jantar de Natal de 2012 em casa do Tio João Paulo Martins, é uma receita original do Chef Bandeira de Lima, servido no restaurante The Decadente e considerado pela Time Out um dos 20 melhores pratos de bacalhau da capital!


lombinhos de bacalhau
amêndoas laminadas
mel de rosmaninho
espinafres ou grelos ou acelgas ou nabiças


Cozem-se os lombinhos de bacalhau e as batatas. Torram-se as amêndoas laminadas no forno. Salteiam-se as verduras em azeite alho. Aquece-se o mel e coloca-se num "biberon" de cozinha. Monta-se pela seguinte ordem: batata ao centro do prato, dá-se um pequeno "murro", o lombo do bacalhau, o mel e as amêndoas e a acompanhar as verduras!

sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

Bolo de Limão com Sementes de Papoila



·        1 c. sopa de fermento em pó

·        sumo e as raspas de 1 limão médio e bio

·        2 ovos inteiros

·        2 chávenas de chá de farinha de trigo

·        1/4 chávena de chá de açúcar

·        1/2 chávena de chá de Azeite

·        1/2 chávena de chá de água quente

·        2 c. sopa de sementes de papoila


       1. No copo da Bimby triturar a casca do limão com o açúcar   10 s / V-9
   2.  Juntar os restantes ingredientes e bater   1m / V- 3
            com excepção do fermento e das sementes de papoila
   3.   Depois de bem misturados, adiciona-s o fermento e as sementes e volta-se              a  bater 10s / V-3
     4.Deita-se o preparado na forma untada com margarina polvilhada  com  farinha
     5.Leva-se ao forno pré-aquecido a 180°, durante 40 m. 





Mil Folhas de Queijo da Ilha de São Jorge

      O queijo preferido do meu Avô João era o queijo da Ilha de São Jorge. E na Família Martins fazemos questão de o ter sempre à mesa na Noite de Natal. Assim, mantemos a tradição do Avô João e passamos o testemunho às gerações dos netos e bisnetos! Há 2 ou 3 anos atrás apresentei-o com uma receita do Chef Vítor Sobral, mini- sandwiches de alperces secos com uma cunha de queijo da Ilha de São Jorge com uma cura forte, 9 meses e uma folha de coentros! A casar com uma colheita tardia dos Pirinéus - Jurançon - Clos thou...maaaraaavilhoso!
     Neste Natal, pedi ajuda ao Chef Bandeira de Lima, elemento recente ( 3 anos!!!)  na Família e adorado por todos - o nosso Nuno, marido da neta Rita e Pai do bisneto Benjamim. Com uma pequenina alteração, em vez de mil folhas limitámo-nos a uma folha por pessoa. Somos tantos e com tanto para provar...decidimos ser comedidos!!! Sem a máquina de corte do Tio João Paulo, teria sido impossível fazer fatias finíssimas de pão alentejano  e de queijo da Ilha. Maçãs Bravo Esmolfe salteadas em manteiga clarificada, açucar e canela. A acompanhar pequenos "tufos" de alface carneirinha. Foi um sucesso!


Queijo da Ilha de São Jorge
Pão Alentejano
Alface carneirinha
Maçãs Bravo Esmolfe ou amarelas
Manteiga clarificada
Canela e açucar


Máquina de corte


Congela-se o pão previamente para ser cortado em fatias muitos finas sem se desmancharem. O queijo deve sair directamente do frigorífico para a máquina de corte. Monta-se o queijo no pão e leva-se ao forno até o queijo ter derretido e o pão ficar estaladiço. Salteia-se a maçã cortada em pequenos cubos, em manteiga clarificada, açucar e canela. Faz-se a montagem do milfolhas por camadas e acompanha-se com a alface carneirinha.

terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012

Chocolate Quente

Superfood Haute Chocolate Is it just me, or do the holidays sometimes feel more stressful than joyful? Tons of running around, last-minute gift making, endless social events, and no time for much else! I catch myself skipping meals and losing sleep just to keep up. Not very relaxing. This year I am making a concerted effort to book time for treating myself, because all this holiday time should feel like a holiday after all. As an act of indulgence, but also to keep my energy high and stress levels down, I’m drinking hot chocolate. Yes, you read that correctly. And because this is My New Roots, you know that this isn’t just any kind of hot cocoa – we’re talking all-raw and all-superfood-packed deliciousness to satisfy your sweet tooth and your healthy tooth (you do have one of those, I promise). A while back in Lisbon, I was teaching cooking classes at an Ashtanga yoga shala, Casa Vinyasa where the instructors were drinking “Macacino” constantly. I finally asked what this fragrant, chocolate-y drink was, and they told me it was like hot chocolate, but with maca. It helped them keep their stamina up, and maintain that otherworldly calmness even after teaching 9 hours a day. After making a cup for myself I realized that they were really onto something, and so I set out to create a similar treat at home in Copenhagen. This hot chocolate is not only super luscious, it contains a whole host of superfoods to make you feel amazing all season long.
Raw Cacao
One of the best sources of magnesium found in nature, in addition to containing high amounts calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulfur, and potassium. Cacao contains many chemicals that enhance physical and mental well-being, including alkaloids, proteins, magnesium, and beta-carotene.
Aids digestion; decreases arthritic swelling; destroys bacteria and viruses; lowers blood pressure; aids circulation. Cinnamon: aids digestion, relieves nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; has antiseptic properties; beneficial for the heart, lungs, and kidneys; aids insulin’s ability to metabolize blood sugar. Cayenne: reduces inflammation, relives pain, reduce blood cholesterol, clears congestion, boosts the immune system, prevents stomach ulcers, lowers risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
And of course, there is the Maca
Get your Maca on!
Maca is a root that has been grown for over 2,500 years high in the Peruvian Andes – it is in fact the highest-altitude crop on earth. The conditions in which maca grows are extremely harsh, and the plant needs to be incredibly resilient to survive and thrive. Although it resembles a large radish, maca is a member of the cruciferous family of plants (just like broccoli, cabbage, kale etc). Maca is an “adaptogen” meaning it has the ability to balance and stabilize the body’s hormonal, nervous and cardiovascular systems. For this reason it is particularly effective for improving libido. Maca also has the ability to help us cope with stress, and stabilize our moods and energy. Boasting 31 minerals and trace elements, maca is a nutritional powerhouse and a stress-relieving, healthy addition to many foods. The flavour of maca is kind of malty and sweet. Some people taste vanilla and butterscotch as well, but most would agree that it is quite strong and can be overpowering if used frivolously. I find taking maca in creamy foods like smoothies, or with yogurt and muesli most appealing. Start with small quantities, like one teaspoon, and work your way up to more. Remember that taking a little maca every day is better than taking a lot at one time once in a while. Look for maca at health food stores and gourmet grocers, sold as the dried, powdered root. Make sure that the product you are purchasing is 100% root – not other parts of the plant. Store in a cool dry place. If you do not like spiced hot chocolate, just use the first four listed ingredients, plus milk or water. If you do not have or cannot find coconut sugar, leave this ingredient out of the mix and sweeten the finished beverage with honey or maple syrup. You could also mix up a large batch of this and give it away as a gift! A wonderful superfood present for anyone on your list.
Superfood Haute Chocolate
  Serves 1
2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder
2 tsp. maca powder
1 Tbsp. coconut sugar
pinch sea salt
pinch cinnamon powder
pinch cayenne
pepper pinch
 ginger powder
small piece vanilla bean, scraped (optional)
1 ½ cups milk of your choice or water
1. Boil water or warm milk on the stove and let cool slightly. If using raw nut milk, do not heat above 118°F/42°C.
2. Whisk in dry ingredients. Serve immediately with a cinnamon stick, if desired. I want to wish all of you a safe, healthy, happy, and relaxing holiday this year. Spend time in your kitchens cooking something real for everyone that you love. There is no better time to spread the word that balanced, wholesome food is delicious! Lead by example, and share your inspiration.
Signing off for now, with love and light to all, Sarah B * * * * * *

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

2013 has been declared International Year of Quinoa by the United Nations

History and culture

The Incas, who held the crop to be sacred, referred to quinoa as chisaya mama or 'mother of all grains', and it was the Inca emperor who would traditionally sow the first seeds of the season using 'golden implements.

During the Spanish conquest of South America, the Spanish colonists scorned quinoa as 'food for Indians', and even actively suppressed its cultivation, due to its status within indigenous non-Christian ceremonies.

In fact, the conquistadores forbade quinoa cultivation for a time and the Incas were forced to grow wheat instead.

Quinoa (the name is derived from the Spanish spelling of the Quechua name kinwa or occasionally "Qin-wah") originated in the Andean region of Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, where it was successfully domesticated 3,000 to 4,000 years ago for human consumption, though archeological evidence shows a non-domesticated association with pastoral herding some 5,200 to 7,000 years ago.

Similar Chenopodium species, such as pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri) and fat hen (Chenopodium album), were grown and domesticated in North America as part of the Eastern Agricultural Complex before maize agriculture became popular.

 Fat hen, which has a widespread distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, produces edible seeds and greens much like quinoa, but in smaller quantities. The nutrient composition is very good compared with common cereals. Quinoa grains contain essential amino acids like lysine and good quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

  After harvest, the grains need to be processed to remove the coating containing the bitter-tasting saponins. Quinoa grains are in general cooked the same way as rice and can be used in a wide range of dishes.

Quinoa leaves are also eaten as a leaf vegetable, much like amaranth, but the commercial availability of quinoa greens is limited.

Greek-Style Quinoa Burgers

Greek-Style Quinoa Burgers

For the right consistency, use a thick Greek yogurt. You can prepare (but not cook) the burgers up to a day ahead, and then cover and refrigerate until you're ready to use.

Prep Time35 minutes
Total Time35 minutes
• YieldServes 4


 1/2 cup rinsed quinoa
 1 medium carrot, cut in large chunks
 6 scallions, thinly sliced
15 ounces great northern beans, drained and rinsed
 1/4 cup plain dried breadcrumbs
 1 large egg, lightly beaten
 1 tablespoon ground cumin
 Coarse salt o Ground pepper
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1/2 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
 4 pitas (each 6 inches)
 1/2 English cucumber, thinly sliced diagonally


1. In a small saucepan, bring 3/4 cup water to a boil; add quinoa, cover, and reduce heat to low. Cook until liquid is absorbed, 12 to 14 minutes; set aside.

2. In a food processor, pulse carrot until finely chopped. Add cooked quinoa, half the scallions, beans, breadcrumbs, egg, cumin, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; pulse until combined but still slightly chunky.

3. Form mixture into four 3/4-inch-thick paties (dip hands in water to prevent sticking). If too soft, refrigerate 10 minutes to firm. In a large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium; cook burgers until browned and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes per side.

4. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine yogurt, lemon juice, and the remaining scallions; season with salt and pepper. Serve burgers in pita topped with cucumber and yogurt sauce.